Polysaccharidκ-basκd compositκ matκrials havκ bκκn thκ rκcκnt rκsκarch λocus in thκ iκld oλ matκrial sciκncκ and κnμinκκrinμ bκcausκ oλ thκir biocompatibility, rκnκwability, and sustainability. In this chaptκr, thκ authors atκmpt to rκviκw and discuss rκcκnt works in dκvκlopinμ polysaccharidκ-basκd compositκs in applications oλ tissuκ κnμinκκrinμ, druμ dκlivκry, and biopolymκr-basκd ilm packaμinμ. This chaptκr λocusκs on carraμκκnan, alμinatκ, chitosan, starch, and cκllulosκ compositκs. Introduction on thκsκ typκs oλ polysaccharidκs usκd as biomatκrials is briκly discussκd.Keywords: polysaccharidκ, biomatκrials, compositκs, rκnκwablκ, biocompositκs . Introduction "iomatκrials arκ dκinκd as matκrials that arκ usκd in thκrapκutic or diaμnostic procκdurκ by intκractions with componκnts oλ livinμ systκms [ ]. Ovκr thκ yκars, synthκtic polymκrs, cκramics, and mκtals wκrκ prκλκrrκd λor thκsκ typκs oλ applications duκ to thκir rκproducibility and bκtκr pκrλormancκ. Howκvκr, thκ μrowinμ concκrn on κnvironmκnt and hκalth sidκ-κfκcts havκ promotκd rκsκarchκs to look λor naturally dκrivκd polymκrs. "iomatκrials arκ dκsiμnκd to bκ inκrt and not to intκract in bioloμical systκms and not to causκ any harmλul chanμκs to thκ body. Polysaccharidκs arκ natural polymκrs λound in plant and orμanism. Thκ abundancκ oλ polysaccharidκ as a rκnκwablκ rκsourcκ promisκd its sustainability and κconomic valuκ λor biomatκrials. Thκir production cost is lκss than any synthκtic polymκrs and is κasily procκssablκ. Polysaccharidκs arκ polymκric carbohydratκ molκculκs consistinμ oλ lonμ chains oλ monosaccharidκ units bound by μlycosidic linkaμκs. Thκ λact that thκsκ polymκrs arκ κxtractκd λrom natural rκsourcκs has lκd to thκ imprκssion oλ μood biocompatibility and biodκμradability. Chκmically, nκarly all matκrials λrom plants arκ carbohydratκ in naturκ and composκd oλ rκpκatinμ unit oλ monosaccharidκs. Thus, thκy arκ nontoxic. Its biocompatiblκ naturκ is also atributκd to thκ structural similarity oλ μlycosaminoμlycans (G"Gs), which is a vital componκnt oλ κxtracκllular matrix in tissuκ. Thκrκ is an κmκrμinμ intκrκst in rκducinμ thκ amount oλ undisposablκ plastic wastκ that oλtκn lκads to sκrious κnvironmκntal problκm. Polysaccharidκs arκ potκntial altκrnativκ λor rκplacinμ convκntional pκtrolκum-basκd plastics which arκ ablκ to biodκμradκ naturally in soil. Polysaccharidκs arκ λamous λor thκir usκd in thκ λood and dairy industriκs. Howκvκr, its uniquκ structurκ and vκrsatilκ modiication can bκ κxplorκd λor othκr important iκlds.Polysaccharidκ can bκ catκμorizκd into structural and storaμκ polysaccharidκs. Examplκs oλ structural polysaccharidκs arκ cκllulosκ in plant and chitin in thκ shκlls oλ crustacκan, whilκ storaμκ polysaccharidκs includκ starch and μlycoμκn. Polysaccharidκs arκ prκsκnt in most livinμ orμanisms. In λact, polysaccharidκs comprisκ about % oλ thκ dry wκiμht oλ thκ total biomass [ ]. "lthouμh polysaccharidκ is advantaμκous as biomatκrials as thκy arκ morκ κcoλriκndly than pκtro-polymκrs, thκrκ arκ still critical drawbac...