The importance of sphingolipids in membrane biology was appreciated early in the twentieth century when several human inborn errors of metabolism were linked to defects in sphingolipid degradation. The past two decades have seen an explosion of information linking sphingolipids with cellular processes. Studies have unraveled mechanistic details of the sphingolipid metabolic pathways, and these findings are being exploited in the development of novel therapies, some now in clinical trials. Pioneering work in yeast has laid the foundation for identifying genes encoding the enzymes of the pathways. The advent of the era of genomics and bioinformatics has led to the identification of homologous genes in other species and the subsequent creation of animal knock-out lines for these genes. Discoveries from these efforts have re-kindled interest in the role of sphingolipids in membrane biology. This review highlights some of the recent advances in understanding sphingolipids' roles in membrane biology as determined from genetic models.