Joint clearance is unavoidable in the revolute joint of multi-link mechanism. Excessive value of joint clearance generally leads to the noise, vibration, and fatigue failure. In this paper, a multi-link articulated mechanism system with three revolute clearance joints is selected as the study object. At first, its ideal motion equations and dynamic responses without joint clearance are outlined. Then an experimental rig is set up, and the acceleration responses of the mechanism in different scenarios are investigated. Comparative analysis indicates that in the presence of joints clearance, clear periodic transient impacts appear in the acceleration outputs while this mechanism moves to specific positions, and the impacts amplitude increases along with the clearance size and driving speed. Also, certain sequence among three motion states of clearance joint, named free flight, penetration and continuous-contact is observed twice in one circle movement of the mechanism. Besides, the clearance joint at the end of the transmission chain has greater effects on the mechanism system than the other joints. Finally, flexible rubber sleeves are set into the clearance joints, and the obtained experimental results indicate that the undesired transient impact by clearance joints on the mechanical system can be suppressed by flexible sleeves.