DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-4825-2017
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A hydrological prediction system based on the SVS land-surface scheme: efficient calibration of GEM-Hydro for streamflow simulation over the Lake Ontario basin

Abstract: Abstract. This work explores the potential of the distributed GEM-Hydro runoff modeling platform, developed at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) over the last decade. More precisely, the aim is to develop a robust implementation methodology to perform reliable streamflow simulations with a distributed model over large and partly ungauged basins, in an efficient manner. The latest version of GEM-Hydro combines the SVS (Soil, Vegetation and Snow) land-surface scheme and the WATROUTE routing scheme. SV… Show more

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Cited by 29 publications
(38 citation statements)
References 36 publications
(56 reference statements)
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“…In the recent years, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has developed the Global Environmental Multi-scale 5 hydrological modelling platform (GEM-Hydro, Gaborit et al 2017). GEM-Hydro combines the GEM-Surf surface prediction system (Bernier et al, 2011) including the SVS (Soil, Vegetation and Snow) land surface scheme Husain et al, 2016) and the WATROUTE routing scheme (Kouwen, 2010).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In the recent years, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has developed the Global Environmental Multi-scale 5 hydrological modelling platform (GEM-Hydro, Gaborit et al 2017). GEM-Hydro combines the GEM-Surf surface prediction system (Bernier et al, 2011) including the SVS (Soil, Vegetation and Snow) land surface scheme Husain et al, 2016) and the WATROUTE routing scheme (Kouwen, 2010).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…GEM-Hydro combines the GEM-Surf surface prediction system (Bernier et al, 2011) including the SVS (Soil, Vegetation and Snow) land surface scheme Husain et al, 2016) and the WATROUTE routing scheme (Kouwen, 2010). GEM-Hydro is designed "to perform reliable streamflow simulations with a distributed model over large and partly ungauged basins" (Gaborit et al, 2017). The model follows the same approach as the Weather Research and Forecasting Model hydrological modelling system (WRF-10…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Recharge is released into the river network at a slowly evolving rate, simulating the groundwater contribution to river flows. Currently, climatological (2004-09;Deacu et al 2012) recharge produced by Global Environmental Multiscale model-Hydro (GEM-Hydro) (Gaborit et al 2017) is used owing to its overestimation by the sequential surface data assimilation system (see above). This decision to ignore recharge from the GEM model will be revisited in 2017 when the sequential surface data assimilation system will be replaced by the Canadian Land Data Assimilation System (CaLDAS; Carrera et al 2015).…”
Section: Appendix: a Detailed Description Of The Models Forming Wcps mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…WATROUTE simulates the flow of water (Kouwen 2010;Deacu et al 2012;Gaborit et al 2017) through a river network. WATROUTE's domain covers the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River watershed to Tadoussac at a ~1-km resolution.…”
Section: Appendix: a Detailed Description Of The Models Forming Wcps mentioning
confidence: 99%
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