High mobility in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), especially vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication, allows increasing coverage and quick assistance to the users and neighboring networks, but also degrades the performance of the entire system due to fluctuation in the wireless channel. How to obtain better quality of service (QoS) in terms of performance metrics during multimedia transmission in V2V over future generation networks (i.e., edge computing platforms) is very challenging due to the high mobility of vehicles and heterogeneity of future internet of things (IoT)-based edge computing networks. In this context, the paper contributes in three distinct ways: (i) to develop a QoS-aware, green, sustainable, reliable and available (QGSRA) algorithm to support multimedia transmission in V2V over future IoT driven edge computing networks; (ii) to implement a novel QoS optimization strategy in V2V during multimedia transmission over IoT-based edge computing platforms; (iii) to propose QoS metrics such as greenness (i.e., energy efficiency), sustainability (i.e., less battery charge consumption), reliability (i.e., less packet loss ratio), and availability (i.e., more coverage) to analyze the performance of V2V networks. Finally, the proposed QGSRA algorithm has been validated through extensive real-time data sets of vehicles to demonstrate how it outperforms conventional techniques making it a potential candidate for multimedia transmission in V2V over self-adaptive edge computing platforms.