Abstract-The impressive manipulation capabilities of the human hand are undoubtedly related to the thumb opposition. Such a versatility is highly desirable in the context of humanoid robots, in particular when performing object manipulation. Biomechanical data, surgery procedures and rehabilitation surveys represent an excellent base from which a robotic design can be inferred. This knowledge must be understood to identify the properties required for manipulation skills, and especially, to obtain a holistic view of the thumb functionality. Several designs have been realized, that concentrated on biomimetism or on classical mechanism designs. Therefore, it is currently difficult for designers to obtain a clear overview of the properties required for a functional robot thumb.In the present case, a robotic hand with size, forces, velocity and shape comparable to the human ones, is envisioned. Unlike most of robotic designs -where the fingers are modular and the thumb is simply a finger placed in opposition -the thumb benefits from an intensive functional analysis. This paper gathers anatomy, surgery and rehabilitation data and identifies the properties required for human like manipulation. Based on this synergy, guidelines are presented that are fused and applied to the hand design of the Integrated Hand arm project of DLR.