In this paper, a specific syntactic construction of Hungarian is investigated in which the preverbal constituent filling the structural Focus position functions as the topic of the sentence on the pragmatic level. Focused topic constructions are commonly used in Hungarian, especially in copular sentences. The core motivation of their use is the following: the placement of the topic into Focus position gives rise to the implicature that the topic referent is the only referent the predicate of the sentence holds for. This complex topicalization strategy can be accounted for by means of an alternative-based concept of focus in the spirit of Rooth (1992), E. Kiss (1998) and Krifka (2008): the focusing of the aboutness topic indicates the presence of potential alternatives, and the referent of the topical expression placed into the structural Focus position functions as an exhaustive topic. 'I am the night watchman.' (2) a. What kind of a house is this? b. [ FocP ITT sz€ uletett [ PredP 'Radn oti 'Mikl os 2 ]]. here was.born R. M. 'It is here that Mikl os Radn oti was born.' (lit.: Here was born Mikl os Radn oti.) *I wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions on a previous version of the present paper. Naturally, all remaining errors are my own responsibility. This paper was supported by project #120073 "Open access book series on the syntax of Hungarian" of the National Research, Development and Innovation (NRDI) Fund, Hungary. 1 In the examples small capitals indicate that the constituent in Spec,FocP has eradicating stress, whereas apostrophes mark stress on non-focused constituents. The symbol FocP is used to indicate Focus Phrase, whereas TopP stands for Topic Phrase. 2 Mikl os Radn oti is a famous Hungarian poet.