Accepted papers deal with a variety of topics, like stance detection, topic and aspect level sentiment analysis, social network analysis, humor detection, and negations and intensifiers in emotion and sentiment analysis, as well as applications of such systems to real-world problems. For the first time, we asked the reviewers for recommendations for a best paper award. Based on these recommendations, the organizers voted secretly on the best paper selection. The result is that the paper "Stance Detection in Code-Mixed Hindi-English Social Media Data using Multi-Task Learning" by Sushmitha Reddy Sane, Suraj Tripathi, Koushik Reddy Sane and Radhika Mamidi wins this year's best paper award. We would like to thank the NAACL 2019 Organizers and Workshop Chairs for their help and support at the different stages of the workshop organization process. We are also especially grateful to the Program Committee members for the time and effort they spent in assessing the papers.