“…After this initial testing, a panel comprising 159 diverse sugarcane accessions was genotyped with polymorphic SNP assays for marker validation. This population comprised a wide range of clones ( Wirojsirasak et al, 2023 ), including two from Argentina, 13 from Australia, four from Barbados, three from Brazil, two from China, one from Cuba, seven from Fiji, one from Guyana, six from India, four from Mauritius, three from the Philippines, one from Reunion, three from South Africa, one from Sri Lanka, 10 from Taiwan, 85 from Thailand, and nine from the USA, as well as four of unknown origin ( Table S2 ). Field experiments for the population were conducted at two locations: the Agronomy Field Crop Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, and the Mitr Phol Innovation and Research Center, Phu Khieo, Chaiyaphum, during the 2017–2018 (plant cane) and 2018–2019 (first ratoon) cropping seasons.…”