Pancreatic ductal cancer (PC) is difficult to treat, with most patients surgically unresectable at the time of diagnosis. Moreover, even for those who are resected, the risk of recurrence is exceedingly high, and the outcome remains unsatisfactory. The prognosis of unresectable PC patients is also extremely poor, mainly because currently available chemotherapeutic agents are largely ineffective. Accordingly, there is a clear need for new, effective agents in the management of PC. New agents with unique mechanisms of action are attractive candidates for clinical trials with the hope that their anti-tumour activity will be translated into long-term survival.Docetaxel, which is a member of the family of taxanes, is one of the most important new chemotherapeutic agents to be found in recent years (Bissett et al, 1993;Cortes and Pazdur, 1995;Eisenhauer, 1995). It acts by enhancing microtubule assembly and inhibiting tubulin depolymerization, thus disrupting cell division (Schiff et al, 1979;Guéritte-Voegelein et al, 1991;Rowinsky and Donehower, 1995). This mechanism of action is unlike any of the standard cytotoxic agents, and therefore docetaxel has the potential for activity against human solid tumours, including PC, that are refractory to established anti-cancer agents. In fact, two phase II trials of advanced PC, which were conducted in France and the USA, have reported high response rates (20%) and relatively longer survival with the drug administered at 100 mg m Ϫ2 over a 1-h period (Rougie et al, 1994;Abbruzzese et al, 1995).We report here our results of a cooperative phase II study of moderate-dose (60 mg m -2 ) docetaxel in Japanese patients with previously untreated metastatic PC. In our country, the recommended dose for phase II trials of docetaxel is 60 mg m Ϫ2 infused over a 1-h session, because a Japanese phase I trial determined the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) to be 70-90 mg m Ϫ2 , with leucocytopenia as the dose-limiting toxicity (Taguchi et al., 1994).
PatientsPatients eligible for study entry had metastatic PC for which they had not received any treatment. Each patient was required to meet the following eligibility criteria: a performance status (PS) of 0-2; 15-74 years of age; at least one bidimensionally measurable tumour; estimated life expectancy ≥ 2 months after study entry; adequate renal function (normal serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels); adequate liver function (total bilirubin level ≤ 1.5 mg dl Ϫ1 (or ≤ 3.0 mg dl Ϫ1 after biliary drainage if the patient had obstructive jaundice); adequate serum transaminases (GOT, GPT) levels ≤ 2 times upper normal limit (UNL) (or ≤ 3 times Phase II study of docetaxel in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer: a Japanese cooperative study Summary Docetaxel has been reported to show promising anti-tumour activity in pancreatic ductal cancer (PC). This study was conducted to evaluate the activity and toxicity of moderate-dose (60 mg m Ϫ2 ) docetaxel in Japanese chemo-naive patients with measurable metastatic PC. The pa...