Nanosecond laser T-jump was used to measure the viscosity dependence of the folding kinetics of the villin subdomain under conditions where the viscogen has no effect on its equilibrium properties. The dependence of the unfolding/refolding relaxation time on solvent viscosity indicates a major contribution to the dynamics from internal friction. The internal friction increases with increasing temperature, suggesting a shift in the transition state along the reaction coordinate toward the native state with more compact structures, and therefore, a smaller diffusion coefficient due to increased landscape roughness. Fitting the data with an Ising-like model yields a relatively small position dependence for the diffusion coefficient. This finding is consistent with the excellent correlation found between experimental and calculated folding rates based on free energy barrier heights using the same diffusion coefficient for every protein.funneled energy landscape ͉ Ising-like model ͉ Kramers ͉ polypeptide ͉ viscosity D espite the complexity of the protein folding process, the kinetics and mechanisms of folding can be usefully and accurately described by diffusion over barriers on a lowdimensional free-energy surface (1-5). For ultrafast-folding proteins, the barriers are small and the rates may be affected by the variation of the diffusion coefficient along the reaction coordinate. In addition to solvent friction, the diffusion coefficient is determined by internal friction, which reflects the ''roughness'' of the energy landscape that arises from drag because of intrachain interactions and escape from local minima on the energy surface (1, 4, 6, 7). Both theoretical studies (1,8) and simulations (4, 9, 10) indicate that the internal friction depends on position along the reaction coordinate, but there have been no experiments that address this important issue in the physics of protein folding. In this work, we obtain a quantitative measure of the contribution of internal friction to the dynamics of folding from experiments on the viscosity dependence of the kinetics for the ultrafast-folding villin subdomain. Fitting the data with an Ising-like theoretical model, moreover, yields information on the position dependence of the diffusion coefficient. Unlike all previous studies of the viscosity dependence of protein-folding kinetics (11-17), we carried out experiments under conditions where there is no effect of the viscogen on the equilibrium thermal unfolding, as was done in a previous study of ␣-helix and -hairpin formation (18).For barriers Ͼϳ 3RT separating folded and unfolded states, Kramers theory (19) predicts that the relaxation rate, 1/ , is given by:where is the relaxation time, f and u are the folding and unfolding times, ⌬G f ‡ is the free energy barrier to folding, ⌬G u ‡ is the free energy barrier to unfolding, R is the gas constant, T is the absolute temperature, ( u ) 2 is the curvature in the unfolded free energy well, ( f ) 2 is the curvature in the folded free energy well, ( ‡ ) 2 is the curvature a...