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IntroductionModelling driving behaviour represents a crucial task for many applications in transportation. Three main areas can particularly benefit from an enhanced knowledge of driving behaviour: accident analysis and prevention, microscopic simulation of traffic, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Benefits for ITS are mainly expected in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), where some assistance/control logics interact with drivers (and their behaviour) and where both drivers' expectations, and impacts of the innovations on drivers' behaviour have to be considered in order to improve: a) the effectiveness of the solutions; b) driving (and traffic) safety and c) acceptance of technological solutions.Modelling of driving behaviour is based on two fundamental requirements. On the one hand, theoretical frameworks and paradigms are needed. On the other, observation tools and data are required in order both to develop/validate theories and to identify modelling parameters for practical applications. If the research focus is on disaggregate driving behaviour rather than aggregate traffic behaviour, the best source of information is based on individual vehicle data (IVD), as typically obtained by instrumented vehicles (IVs). An IV can be described as a standard vehicle where the kinematics, the interaction with surrounding vehicles and the vehicle-driver interaction are recorded for subsequent analysis. The possibility of observing only the kinematics of IVs, as allowed by some camera-based microscopic roadside observation systems like in the NGSIM project (Alexiadis et al., 2004), can lead to a reduced understanding of driving behaviour. Indeed, the possibility of observing the kinematics of an IV is just a prerequisite and IVs are usually equipped with a large number of sensors. Multisensing approaches not only enhance the estimation of the ego-kinematics of the controlled vehicle (Bifulco et al., 2011), but also allow detection of the surrounding traffic conditions and direct monitoring of on-board interaction between the driver and the vehicle, generally via the controlled area network (CAN). The overall result is a more comprehensive observation and enhanced understand...