The literature contains numerous references to the formation of insoluble complexes when polysulphate and poly(carboxylic acid) macromolecules are added to various plasma and serum colloids. Chondroitin sulphate, for instance, precipitates complexes containing protein and cholesterol (Badin & Schubert, 1955; Kerby, Taylor & Langley, 1961). Heparin forms insoluble complexes with fibrinogen (Smith & Korff, 1957; Godal, 1961) and when added to plasma precipitates a complex containing fibrinogen and plasminogen (Green, 1962). The addition of hyaluronic acid (Serafini-Cessi, CHONDROMUCOPROTEIN-PLASMA PROTEIN COMPLEXES (1957) respectively. The following were used: borate-saline buffer (0-2m; pH 7-4), glycine buffer (0.1M; pH 9-5), urea solution (40%, w/v, in glycine buffer), bovine fibrinogen solution (10%, w/v, in borate-saline buffer), trichloroacetic acid (20%, w/v, in water), all prepared as described by Anderson (1962d). Plasminogen. Human plasminogen was prepared as described by Anderson (1962d). Rabbit plasminogen was prepared from rabbit serum by an acetone-precipitation method (S. Y. Ali, personal communication). Urokina8e. A glycoprotein fraction isolated from normal human urine by a benzoic acid-adsorption method (Anderson & Maclagan, 1955) was used as a source of urokinase. Streptokinase. Varidase (Lederle Laboratories Division, American Cyanamid Co., New York, U.S.A.) was dissolved in borate-saline buffer. This stock solution (2000 units/ml.) was stored at 4°and diluted to the desired concentration with borate-saline buffer before use. Bovine thrombin. Bovine thrombin for topical use (Parke, Davis and Co., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.) was dissolved in aq. 50% (v/v) glycerol. This stock solution (500 units/ml.) was stored at-20°and diluted to the desired concentration with borate-saline buffer before use. Ca8ein solution. A solution of light white soluble casein (British Drug Houses Ltd., Poole, Dorset) was used, at a concentration of 4% (w/v) in borate-saline buffer. Perchloric acid. This was 10% (w/v) in water. Papain. Papain powder (East African) was bought from Chas. Zimmermann and Co. Ltd. (Walmgate Road, Perivale, Middlesex).