“…Hence, (T , h ) or (T , h ) satisfies the claim of the lemma. Formally, our candidate solutions are OPT (1) := OPT S , OPT (2) := OPT L ∪ OPT S,bottom,S , OPT (3) := OPT L ∪ OPT S,bottom,L , OPT (4) := OPT L ∪ OPT S,top,S OPT (5) := OPT L ∪ OPT S,top,L , OPT (6) := T box , OPT (7) := T box , OPT (8) := OPT L ∪ OPT S,cross , OPT (7) := OPT L,top ∪ OPT L,bottom ∪ OPT S,mid,top,S , OPT (8) := OPT L,top ∪ OPT L,bottom ∪ OPT S,mid,top,L , OPT (9) := OPT L,top ∪ OPT L,bottom ∪ OPT S,mid,bottom,S , OPT (10) := OPT L,top ∪ OPT L,bottom ∪ OPT S,mid,bottom,L , OPT (11) := T sw , and OPT (12) := T sw .…”