The peak years of offending in the general population and among those with
serious mental health conditions (SMHC) are during emerging adulthood. There currently are
no evidence-based interventions for reducing offending behavior among 18–21 year
olds, with or without SMHC. This open trial examined outcomes from an adaptation of
Multisystemic Therapy (MST), an effective juvenile recidivism reduction intervention,
modified for use with emerging adults with SMHC and recent justice system involvement. MST
for emerging adults (MST-EA) targets MH symptoms, recidivism, problem substance use, and
young adult functional capacities. All study participants (n=41) were aged
17–20 and had a MH diagnosis and recent arrest or incarceration. Implementation
outcomes indicated that MST-EA was delivered with strong fidelity, client satisfaction was
high, and the majority of participants successfully completed the intervention. Research
retention rates also were high. Pre-post analyses revealed significant reductions in
participants’ MH symptoms, justice-system involvement, and associations with
antisocial peers.