Saalau Rojas, E., and Gleason, M. L. 2012. Epiphytic survival of Erwinia tracheiphila on muskmelon {Cucumis melo L.). Plant Dis. 96:62-66.72 h. In the second experiment, E, tracheiphila was monitored during alternating 12-h wet and dry periods, or eonfinuous wet or dry conditions for 48 h at 20°C. Survival of E. tracheiphila on wet muskmelon leaves depended on temperature {P < 0.01), with the greatest survival at 10 and 15°C and least at 30 and 35°C. Leaf wetness also impacted survival; an initial 12-h dry period resulted in a I.(XK)-to l().t)00-fold reduction in population si/e, followed by stabilization of the surviving population. These results demonstrate that E. tracheiphila can survive on muskmelon leaves under a wide range of environmental conditions, suggesting that epiphytic populations might serve as a reservoir of inoculum for infections.