“…where A is the cloud shield area, A c is the convective area (with the subscript "SRC" indicating this term represents the temporal generation of new convective area), M c is the convective mass flux, M s is the stratiform mass flux, ρ is the atmospheric density, and τ is a cloud shield area decay timescale. For comparison purposes, after moving the first term on the RHS of Equation 1 to the LHS, the equation becomes closer to those estimating the stratiform area time tendency, with the convective mass flux convergence term following Tiedtke (1993), Teixeira (2001) and follow-ons, and the decay term mimicking Hagos et al (2020), although it is important to note that these terms were used in studies that were prognosing grid-box or fixed-domain stratiform cloud fraction or area changes whereas Equation 1 prognoses cloud physical area changes following Lagrangian-tracked MCSs. Hagos et al ( 2020) is further similar in that radar data (off the coast of Darwin, Australia) are used to develop a simple analytical model of stratiform area, though individual MCSs were not explicitly tracked in that analysis and the source terms vary in structure.…”