may require from 50 to 150 seconds for processing. A spectrum containing 200 lines will usually require about 3 to 7 minutes for processing.The program HIRES2 usually requires 10 to 60 seconds for identifying the standard masses and computing the masses of all the lines.The computing time required by HIRES3 depends on the number of atoms to be considered and on the size of the constants which define the maximum number of each atom permitted in a given formula. About 40 to 60 seconds is typical for computing all possible combinations of C, C13, , O, and N for a spectrum containing 200 lines when one C13 and 2 to 4 O and N atoms are permitted in each ion.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors acknowledge the valuable advice of A. C. Jones and J. H. Schachtschneider in some of the mathematical aspects of these programs.