Abrasion of eroded dentin caused by toothpaste slurries of different abrasivity and toothbrushes of different filament diameter SummaryObjective: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of toothpaste slurry abrasivity and toothbrush filament diameter on abrasion of eroded dentin in vitro.Methods: Eroded dentin samples (hydrochloric acid, pH: 2.6, 15s) were brushed with 40 strokes in an automatic brushing machine using manual toothbrushes with different filament diameter (0.15 mm, 0.20 mm or 0.25 mm). The toothbrushes were applied with a control slurry free of abrasive particles (RDA-value: 10) or toothpastes slurries with different abrasivity (RDA-values: 20, 50 or 100). Each erosive-abrasive cycle was followed by storage of the dentin samples in artificial saliva for 3h. After each 4 cycles, the samples were stored in artificial saliva for 15h. After 60 cycles, dentin loss was measured by profilometry and statistically analysed by ANOVA and linear regression analysis.Results: Dentin loss increased along with the RDA-value of the toothpaste slurries. The impact of the filament diameter on dentin loss was less evident compared to the RDA-value.However, toothbrushes with smaller filament stiffness caused higher dentin wear in all toothpaste slurry groups (RDA 20, 50 and 100) except for the paste-free control group (RDA 10).Conclusion: Abrasion of eroded dentin increased along with the RDA-value of the toothpaste slurry and with decreasing filament diameter of the toothbrush.3