The acetolyses of the alpha and beta methyl D-glucopyranoside tetraacetates in 1 : 1 acetic acid -acetic anhydride 0.5 11d with respect to sulphuric acid were followed a t 25'C. by isotopic dilution analysis of products isolated after various intervals of tirne. The reaction of the a-glucoside was found to proceed mainly with inversion of the anomeric center. On the other hand, the 0-glucoside was found to undergo acetolysis with retention of configuration concurrent with anomerization. I t was shown t h a t the polarimetric changes observed in the course of the reactions could be satisfactorily accounted for on the basis of these reaction routes. Reaction mechanisms are suggested. Montgomery et al. (15) investigated the use of either sulphuric acid or zinc chloride in acetic acid -acetic anhydride as a reagent for the acetolysis of glycosides. I t was shown that in many cases the glycoside was converted to a mixture of the anomeric sugar acetates in high yield and the procedure has been widely used for the cleavage of acetal bonds in carbohydrate chemistry. Studies on the acetolysis of the anomeric methyl D-arabinopyranoside triacetates showecl these reactions to be highly complex (15). A solution a t 20°C.of nlethyl a-D-arabinopyranoside triacetate in a mixture of 4y0 sulphuric acid in 7 : 3 acetic anhydride -acetic acid changed sharply in specific rotation from -lgO to -114O in one minute and declined to an equilibrium value of -ZO a t the end of 20 min. The hexaacetate of aldel~ydo-D-arabinose and p-D-arabinopyranose tetraacetate were isolated in yields of soy0 and 12%, 1-espectively, from the product. However, when the experiment was interrupted a t the rotation peak of -114", a 14% yield of methyl /3-D-arabinopyi-anoside triacetate was obtained. Thus, it was apparent that the rapid initial rise in rotation was d~~e to the anomerization of the a-anoiner to the more stable /3-form. This possibility was strengthenecl by the observ a t' loll that ~nethyl @-D-arabinopyranosicle triacetate under the same conditions gave a solution which changed in specific rotation from -184' t o a constant equilibrium value of -17" in three minutes. The hcxaacetate and the p-tetraacetate could be isolated in 56y0 and 11% yields, respectively, after 24 hr. The occurrence of the hexaacetate in the reaction products suggested that the C1 to ring-oxygen bond may cleave in preference to the C1 to methoxyl group bond. This idea was substantiated by the acetolysis of the p-arabinoside under the milder conditions of O.l6Y0 sulphuric acid in 7 : 3 acetic anhydride -acetic acid mixture. Both the anomeric forms of methyl hemiacetal pentaacetates (I) were isolated in good and approximately equal yields. I t is to be notecl that liLl~nz~script received September 7 , 1954 More recently, Lindberg (1, 2, 13) has obtained further evidence that the acetolysis of an unstable 0-acetylated allcyl glycopyranoside is accompanied by anomerization. This was shown to be so for a variety of glucosides (13), galactosides ( I ) , and a xyloside (2...