The effects were studied of substituting one, two, and three chlorine atoms a t the C2-acetoxy group of the or-and p-D-glucopyranose pentaacetates on the rates both of anomerization and of dissociation of the C1 to acetoxy group bond in 1 : 1 acetic acid-acetic anhydride 0.5 ill with respect to sulphuric acid a t 25'C. In the case of the or-anomers, the rates of anomerization appeared about equal t o the rates of dissociation as measured by isotopic exchange. The 0-anomers dissociated more rapidly than they underwent anomerization. The difference in rate decreased rapidly, however, with the introduction of chlorine atoms indicating that the tendency for C2-acyl group participation in the dissociation is reduced by the chlorine substitutions. Evidence was obtained that only a very small fraction, if any, of the C1-acetosy group of p-gli~cose pentaacetate passes into the or-anomer without becoming completely dissociated. I t is pointed out that the data for the anomerizations can be rationalized on the basis of ionic mechanisms, if specific conformations are allocated to the intermediate carbonium ions.
INTRODUCTIONThe high reactivity of P -D -g l u~~p y r a n~~e pentaacetate as compared to the a-anomer in undergoing dissociation of the C1 to acetoxy group bond through the agency of acid catalysts has been demonstrated under the following conditions: mercaptolysis using zinc chloride in ethyl mercaptan (4), exchange of acetate with stannic trichloride acetate in chloroform (j), replacement by chlorine using titanium tetrachloride in chloroform ( 5 ) , methanolysis using stannic chloride as catalyst in either benzene or chloroform (9), and phenolysis using toluene sulphonic acid as catalyst (14,18). Lemieux (4) has pointed out that the high reactivity of the 1,2-trans-P-anomer is in all probability related t o participation of the C2-acetoxy group in the dissociation. Direct evidence for the participation was recently obtained through the preparation of methyl 1,2-ortho-0-acetyl-0-D-glucopyranose triacetate by reacting tetra-0-acetyl-P-D-glucopyranosyl chloride with methanol in the presence of silver carbonate (6).I t was now of interest to study the effect of varying substituents a t the C2-position on the dissociation of the C l t o acetoxy group bond. The anomeric monochloroacetyl, dichloroacetyl, and trichloroacetyl derivatives of the 1,3,4,6-tetra-0-acetyl-D-glucopyranoses (7) were chosen for this purpose since the C2-substituents in these compounds vary widely in electronegativity.