Renewable energy sources are becoming a greater component of the electrical mix, while being significantly more volatile than conventional energy sources. As a result, net stability and availability pose significant challenges. Energy-intensive processes, such as chlor-alkali electrolysis, can potentially adjust their consumption to the available power, which is known as demand side management or demand response. In this study, a dynamic model of a chlor-alkali membrane cell is developed to assess the flexible potential of the membrane cell. Several improvements to previously published models were made, making the model more representative of state-of-the-art CA plants. By coupling the model with a wind power profile, the current and potential level over the course of a day was simulated. The simulation results show that the required ramp rates are within the regular operating possibilities of the plant for most of the time and that the electrolyte concentrations in the cell can be kept at the right level by varying inlet flows and concentrations. This means that a CA plant can indeed be flexibly operated in the future energy system.