The phylum Apicomplexa has been defined by the presence of the apical complex, a structure composed of secretory organelles and specific cytoskeletal elements. A conspicuous feature of the apical complex in many apicomplexans is the conoid, a hollow tapered barrel structure composed of tubulin fibers. In Toxoplasma gondii, the apical complex is a central site of convergence for calcium-related and lipid-mediated signaling pathways that coordinate conoid protrusion, microneme secretion and actin polymerization, to initiate gliding motility. Through cutting-edge technologies, great progress has recently been made in discovering the structural subcomponents and proteins implicated in the biogenesis and stability of the apical complex and, in turn, these discoveries shed new light on the function and evolution of this definitive structure.
HighlightsRecent methods, such as proximity labeling, localization of organelle proteins by isotope tagging, and ultrastructure expansion microscopy, have greatly advanced the proteomic characterization of the different apical complex subcompartments.The subpellicular microtubules (SPMTs) are decorated by unique microtubule associated proteins and emerge from the apical polar ring (APR) by an unknown mechanism. The conoid is composed of open tubulin fibers that are bent by the recently characterized DCX protein.Recently characterized proteins, such as AC9, AC10, and ERK7, are essential for the stability of the APR, the conoid, and the SPMTs.In addition to its structural complexity, the apical complex acts as a signaling hub by being the point of convergence for many regulatory pathways.Broad evidence suggests that the conoid is derived from the flagellar root apparatus.