Paraformaldehyde (PFA),w ith the chemical formula C x H y O z ,a ni nfinite solid form of formaldehyde,i savery useful reagent in classical organic reactions.Numerous applications have been explored both in the chemical industry and organic chemistry researchl aboratories. In this generalr eview,w eh ave summarized the main achievements in the use of paraformaldehyde in organic reactions with transition metals as the catalysts.I nt hese methodologies, paraformaldehydeh as been applied as methylene blocks,h ydroxymethylation reagents,C Os ource, syngas surrogate,h ydrogen donor or acceptor, formylation and methylation reagents.A dditionally,i n order to make this review systematic, recent reported organocatalyzed transformationso fp araformaldehyde have been included as well.