Abstract. Although impacts of heavy rain on buildings in urban areas are often extensive, the public usually underestimates the negative consequences of that environmental risk compared e.g. to storm or hail events. However, the intensification of extreme weather events due to climate change as well as the rising physical vulnerability of assets are going to trigger the increase of impacts on the built environment. Heavy rain events are often highly localised that makes it difficult to estimate their probability and magnitude accurately. High intensity rain affects buildings both directly as well as indirectly.First, engineering surveys have already proven the broad variety and high physical vulnerability of building constructions that are directly and frequently affected by invading water during heavy rainfall events: flat roofs, roof terraces and balconies, connections between steep roofs and other building parts, soil-covered slabs of underground parking, soil-contacted basement walls and bottom plates as well as windows and external doors. It became evident that most damage is avoidable if exposed constructions become more resilient. Nevertheless, any adaptations require expertise on the demanding damage processes in order to explore deficiencies and to reduce physical vulnerability of building constructions exposed to heavy rainfall. In response to that challenge, the paper describes an engineering approach for the systematic classification of physical vulnerability criteria based on empirical research. A developed classification scheme allows the ex-ante examination of typical failure modes and the evaluation of negative consequences of heavy rainfall at individual building level. The topic is of high relevance, because the classification scheme may act as a capable tool for the prospective planning of adaptations towards more resilient buildings.Second, heavy rain may result in urban pluvial flooding due to sewer overflow that cause severe damage to buildings. A comprehensive study of the impacts and the consequences in Dresden (Germany), presented in the paper, revealed that the potential risks of flooding from sewers due to hydraulic overload can be estimated on building scale using the model approach IVART (Integrated Spatial Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Tool). Modelling results provide the basis to quantify the effectiveness and efficiency of flood resilience technologies.