Natural feed additive is made on the basis of bottom sediments of the steppe reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory and is a dry powder of a grayish tint. Mineralization of local bottom sediments is 6.5 g / kg, calcium content is 29.7 g / kg, macronutrients from 1.04 to 25.8 g / kg, trace elements from 0.03 to 0.7 g / kg. The medium reaction is from neutral to slightly alkaline. Using sapropel feed additives (SFA), it was possible to increase the gross live weight gain of broiler chickens by 1.7-2.0% while reducing feed costs per 1 kg of gain by 0.5%. All internal organs of the poultry were developed within normal limits. There was profitability increase by 1.1% in growing broilers, when using sapropel feed additives in full feed. Blood biochemical values were at an optimal level. Therefore, this feed additive can be considered as a natural feed ingredient; however, it is necessary to further develop a complex feed additive from natural components that partially or completely meets the requirement of the poultry in biologically active substances and micronutrients.