Carbon nanotubes ͑CNTs͒ were effectively dispersed and functionalized by being wrapped with RNA. The RNA-CNT hybrids attached strongly to an indium tin oxide ͑ITO͒ glass substrate and formed a uniform film, making it possible to use field emitters for field emission applications. An electron field emission cathode was fabricated with a spray method using these RNA-CNT hybrids. Well-defined RNA-CNT patterns were obtained on the ITO glass substrate. The cathode showed a uniform emission pattern across the entire surface and also exhibited a high current density. The RNA-CNT hybrids compared favorably to other factionalized CNTs for use in the spray method.Electron field emitters based on carbon nanotubes ͑CNTs͒ are currently being studied as potential next-generation cold cathode materials, particularly for use in flat panel field emission displays. 1-3 CNTs have several properties that make them useful as field emitters, such as a high aspect ratio, high chemical stability, high thermal conductivity, and high mechanical strength, and over the past several years a great deal of effort has been devoted to investigating the field emission properties of CNTs. 1-9 Among the main methods used to fabricate CNT field emitters are the direct-growth 4 and screen printing 5,6 methods. The direct-growth method by chemical vapor deposition has several disadvantages, including difficulties in controlling each CNT, the complexity of the fabrication process, and the high growth temperatures that are required. By contrast, the screen printing method is a more effective technology for large-scale production, and it has the advantages of low cost and a simple process. It has several technical limitations, including poor adhesion between the CNT film and the substrate, the nonuniform dispersion of CNT powders, poor uniformity of emission, and short lifetimes. Because each of these methods has disadvantages, it makes sense to consider alternative approaches such as the spray method. 9 This method offers an easy and convenient way of depositing CNTs for cathodes; it can deposit CNTs over large areas and it can suppress the degradation of the emission tips. The main disadvantages of this method are the weak adhesion of CNTs to the substrate, the low dispersability of CNTs, and the difficulty in forming micropatterns. Lim et al. proposed a method for fabricating CNT-based field emitters using the spray method. 9 The method provides enhanced adhesion between the CNTs and substrate by using a low melting point metal such as indium and tin. However, the method still has the problems of insufficient uniformity in the deposited layer and difficulty performing the micropatterning that is necessary for high resolution arrays.To get around these issues, we suggest using an alternative strategy involving RNA-CNT hybrids 10,11 as the stable suspension for the spray method. These hybrids consist of CNTs coated with a self-assembled monolayer of RNA. 12 Single-walled carbon nanotubes ͑SWNTs͒ could not only be dispersed thoroughly in an aqueous solut...