The relevance of the topic under consideration on the development of universal applied methods for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of industrial policy in the military-industrial complex (hereinafter - MIC) is due to its high practical significance in the context of the challenges of technological development associated with digitalization and informatization. It is also due to the peculiarities of the current stage of Russia’s economic development in the conditions of financial and technological sanctions from Western states. The purpose of the study is to develop the main provisions of a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of industrial policy in the defense industry based on the use of economic-mathematical modeling apparatus, which involves the construction of neural networks based on fuzzy logic. In the course of the research the authors have solved the following problems: mathematically formalized the object of analysis; developed an algorithm for determining the effectiveness of industrial policy in the MIC using neural networks; formalized the model for assessing the effectiveness of such industrial policy based on fuzzy sets; proposed a system of indicators for assessing industrial policy in the MIC; determined the sequence of actions in the construction the fuzzy model for assessing the effectiveness of industrial policy in the MIC by means of Fuzzy Logic on the software platform MatLab.