Abstract. After reviewing the Hodgkin-Huxley ionic current formulation, we introduce a three-variable generic model of a single-compartment neuron comprising a two-dimensional fast subsystem and a very slow recovery variable. We study the effects of fast and slow currents on the existence and stability of equilibria and periodic orbits for the fast subsystem, presenting a classification of currents and developing graphical tools that aid in the analysis and construction of models with specified properties. We draw on these to propose a minimal model of a bursting neuron, identifying biophysical parameters that can shape and regulate key characteristics of the membrane voltage pattern: bursting frequency, duty cycle, spike rate, and the number of action potentials per burst. We present additional examples from the literature for comparison and illustration, and in a companion paper [SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 3 (2004), pp. 671-700], we construct a model of an insect central pattern generator using these methods.Key words. bursting neurons, motoneurons, fast-slow systems, bifurcation, stability AMS subject classifications. 34C15, 34C25, 34C29, 37Gxx, 92B05, 92B20, 92C20DOI. 10.1137/030602307
Introduction. In this and a companion paper [1]we develop and analyze a generic model of a bursting neuron and assemble a set of such models, suitably adapted to interneurons and motoneurons, to model a central pattern generator (CPG) for insect locomotion. We have two main goals: to integrate and extend a body of work, largely in theoretical and mathematical neuroscience, that enables (semi-) analytical studies of bursting neurons, while maintaining sufficient biophysical detail for comparisons with experimental data; and to use this to derive a model of a CPG that reveals how key locomotive properties may be determined by individual neurons and the network as a whole. In this first paper we show how complex models can be reduced and develop the analytical methods; in [1] we construct the CPG model.The first dynamical neural model based on biophysical data was due to Hodgkin and Huxley [2], and their description of the action potential (AP) and ionic currents in the giant axon of the squid has been vastly extended and generalized in the half century since. Detailed axonal and dendritic geometry can be included, for example, at the unicellular level. However,