A quantitative procedure of determination of kinetic and transport parameters for individual alloy constituents during anodic film growth on stainless steels in light reactor water is developed. It is based on in-depth compositional data for oxides obtained from ex situ analyses using Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The growth of the inner compact layer is described as a sequence of interfacial reactions and transport driven by homogeneous diffusion-migration mechanism. Based on the mixed-conduction model for oxide films, a fitting procedure for the calculation of the in-depth distribution of the individual alloy constituents in the inner layer is put forward. The effects of temperature and applied potential on the kinetic and transport parameters in the inner layer are assessed. In addition, the growth of an outer layer consisting of crystallites with pores filled with electrolyte in-between is described formally as a diffusion process and the transport parameters characterizing this process are estimated. The estimates of the kinetic and transport parameters obtained are discussed in relation to the corrosion mechanism of the steel and the incorporation of electrolyte-originating species in the bilayer oxide film. Using the proposed quantitative procedure, the kinetic and transport parameters of long-term ͑up to 10,000 h͒ film growth and restructuring on AISI 304 stainless steel in simulated pressurized water ractor ͑PWR͒ with or without zinc addition are also estimated on the basis of a quantitative comparison of the model predictions and literature data on the in-depth concentration profiles of the constituent elements. The obtained values are discussed in terms of the effect of Zn on the growth rate of the inner and outer layers of the corrosion film.Oxide films formed on metallic construction materials, such as stainless steels and nickel-based alloys during their exposure to light water reactor ͑LWR͒ coolants, play a decisive role in maintaining the integrity of coolant circuits, working as an effective barrier against general and different forms of localized and stress-induced corrosion. They act as a deposit base for radioactivity incorporation in the reactor primary circuit, which is a potential risk for personnel safety during maintenance and shutdown periods. [1][2][3] During the almost 50 years of commercial use of LWRs, a considerable experience has been gained about the material's behavior in addition to the technical materials test results. Yet, the increasingly faster change of the environmental conditions have made it difficult to test all possible combinations of materials and environments in order to assess the long-term behavior of the protective oxides on the materials, in these new combinations of environments. 1-5 The inference is that a full assessment of the material's behavior in LWRs cannot be gained only through materials testing in simulated or even real LWR environments, because the oxide film stability and protectiveness will depend on a large numb...