Abstract:The paper presents innovative trustworthy services to support secure e-assessment in web-based collaborative learning grids. Although e-Learning has been widely adopted, there exist still drawbacks which limit their potential. Among these limitations, we investigate information security requirements in on-line assessment learning activities, (e-assessment). In previous research, we proposed a trustworthiness model to support secure e-assessment requirements for e-Learning. In this paper, we present effective applications of our approach by integrating flexible and interoperable Web based secure e-learning services based on our trustworthiness model into e-assessment activities in on-line collaborative learning courses. Moreover, we leverage Grid technology to meet further demanding requirements of collaborative learning applications in terms of computation performance and management of large data sets, in order for the trustworthy collaborative learning services to be continuously adapted, adjusted, and personalised to each specific target learning group. Evaluation in a real context is provided while implications of this study are eventually remarked and discussed.Keywords: information security; trustworthiness; assessment; prediction; online collaborative learning; CSCL; service-oriented architecture; SOA; web services; grid technology.
S. Caballé et al.Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Caballé, S., Miguel, J., Xhafa, F., Capuano, N. and Conesa, J. (2017) Nicola Capuano is research assistant at the Department of Information Engineering, Electric Engineering and Applied Mathematics of the University of Salerno. His main research interest is artificial intelligence and, among its applications, intelligent tutoring systems, knowledge representation and educational data mining. He works as a project manager and research consultant within several research and development projects. He is author of about 100 scientific papers. He is scientific referee and member of editorial boards for international journals and conferences.Jordi Conesa is an associate professor of information systems at the Open University of Catalonia. He received his PhD in software engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia. His research interest concerns the areas of conceptual modelling, ontologies, semantic web, knowledge-based systems and e-learning. His long-term goal is to develop methodologies and tools to use ontologies effectively in several application domains, such as conceptual modelling, software engineering and e-learning. He has authored more than 50 research papers, participated in several research projects, including EU FP7, CICYT and AVANZA funded projects, and contributed to the organisation of some international conferences.