The number of positive incidents, mortality and mortality due to Covid-19 is getting higher. In 2020, around 76.7% of elderly people died because of Covid-19 from the total number of patients who died due to Covid-19. This increasing number is not in line with the activity of cycling trends that were rife during the Covid-19 pandemic. So that there is a mismatch with the principles of health sports, namely sports to improve the health status of sports players. Therefore, this study is important to do to determine the relationship between cycling trends during the pandemic and increased immunity, especially for the elderly. The research method used is a literature review of various research articles that have been published in various journals indexed by Google Scholar, Research Gate, Scopus, and PubMed. The articles reviewed were articles related to cycling and the immunity of the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the analysis of the articles that have been done, there is a relationship between cycling and the immunity of the elderly. However, the SARS CoV-2 virus can infect healthy people without symptoms which then spreads to the elderly and causes high cases of mortality in the elderly. So that it requires active participation by all parties to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and improve the immune system in the midst of a pandemic with cycling.
Abstrak: Angka kejadian positif, mordibitas, dan mortalitas akibat Covid-19 semakin tinggi. Pada tahun 2020 terdapat sekitar 76,7% lansia yang meninggal karena Covid-19 dari total keseluruhan pasien meninggal akibat Covid-19. Angka yang semakin naik tersebut tidak sejalan dengan aktifitas tren bersepeda yang marak diminati saat pandemi Covid-19. Sehingga terdapat ketidaksesuaian dengan prinsip olahraga kesehatan yaitu olahraga untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan bagi pelaku olahraga. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara tren bersepeda dimasa pandemi terhadap peningkatan imunitas tubuh khususnya bagi lansia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu review literatur dari berbagai artikel penelitian yang telah terpublikasi dalam berbagai jurnal yang terindeks Google Cendekia, Research Gate, Scopus, dan PubMed. Artikel yang direview yaitu artikel yang berhubungan dengan olahraga bersepeda dan imunitas tubuh lansia dimasa pandemi Covid-19. Berdasarkan analisis artikel yang telah dilakukan, terdapat hubungan antara olahraga bersepeda dengan imunitas tubuh lansia. Namun, virus SARS CoV-2 dapat menjangkit pada orang sehat tanpa gejala yang kemudian menyebar ke lansia dan menyebabkan tingginya kasus mortalitas pada lansia. Sehingga diperlukan partisipasi aktif oleh semua pihak untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19 dan meningkatkan sistem imunitas tubuh di tengah pandemi dengan olahraga bersepeda.