The practical application of calorimetry to the study of energy expenditure after injury did not begin until 1930, with the work of Cuthbertson in Glasgow, who used relatively crude indirect calorimetry techniques to study patients with bone fractures. During the late recovery phase, he found increases in oxygen consumption of 15-q% above resting values, associated with a rise in rectal temperature (Cuthbertson, 1932). These increases in metabolic expenditure were linked with evidence of increased protein breakdown (Cuthbertson, 1930, 193 I), thought to originate in muscle (Cuthbertson, 1936). The injured rat displayed similar changes (Cuthbertson, 1939). Over the next two decades interest in the energetic consequences of injury waned, largely as a result of the poor accuracy and cumbersome nature of the calorimeters then available. Using radioisotope tracers and other advances, research into the metabolic response to injury centered upon biochemical, hormonal and cellular changes (Richards, 1977). Further indirect calorimetry studies were made (Cope, Nardi, Quijano, Rovit, Stanbury & Wright, 1953) in the early 1950s but they could not identify the cause of the hypermetabolism following injury.Advances in the study of energy expenditure after injury did not take place until the development of gradient-layer calorimetry (Benzinger & Kitzinger, 1949). The adiabatic principles which had been responsible for the slow response time and relatively poor performance of earlier calorimeters were replaced by direct measurement of the instantaneous flow of heat through the walls of the chamber. The sensible and insensible heat loss of the subject could be measured continuously and automatically. A calorimeter of the Benzinger type was constructed at the Rowett Research Institute (Pullar, 1956(Pullar, , 1957(Pullar, , 1969, and later was used by Cairnie, Campbell, Cuthbertson & Pullar (1957) to measure energy expenditure after bone fracture in groups of rats. They found increases in metabolic rate of up to 7% above normal resting values in rats kept at an ambient temperature of 19O after unilateral femur fracture. By direct and indirect measurement, the total metabolism of rats fed on 18. I % protein diet was 608 kJ/kg@75 per d before injury. This increased to a maximum of 637 kJ/kgo*75 per d on the third post fracture day and was closely paralleled by an increase in urinary nitrogen losses from 360 mg/d before, to a maximum of 478 mg/d on the third day after injury. The calculated at