Substitution of drinking water with 1.8 % NaCl solution in pregnant female rats from day 1 of gestation until parturitions was followed by the development of experimental gestosis. Gestosis manifested in an increase in BP by 18.2 %, protein concentration in the urine by 6.2 times, and edema severity in muscles, brain, and omentum in comparison with the initial level. The concentration of homocysteine in blood plasma of rats with complicated pregnancy 4.4-fold surpassed that in pregnant rats without gestosis, which can probably in a cause for gestosis development. GABA derivatives citrocard (50 mg/kg) and salifen (15 mg/kg), and the reference substance sulodexide (30 U/kg) reduced the severity of gestosis manifestations, which was seen from the absence of BP rise, decrease in urinary protein concentration by 1.9, 2.0, and 1.3 times and blood level of homocysteine by 1.7, 1.5, and 2.6 times, respectively, and a decrease in edema degree in comparison with female rats with experimental gestosis receiving physiological saline.