The actualization of the values that existed in the holy book of the Al-Qur'an is expected to become a main reference in the pedagogic development. For many years, various studies on teachers in Islamic education based on the interpretation of the holy verses of the Al-Qur'an have been carried out. Therefore, this study aims to determine the pedagogical implications of QS Al-Ahzab verses 45-48 regarding teachers' duties and functions as educators. This research is a qualitative study, by using library research with content analysis took to explore the meaning of the text. Primary data took from various interpretations of the commentators regarding QS. Al-Ahzab verses 45-48, and secondary data are taken from literature such as articles from Islamic education journals and others. Data were analyzed by taking notes, selecting, analyzing, and classifying materials related to the research. From the results of the study, it is known that the pedagogical implications of QS. Al-Ahzab verses 45-48 regarding teachers' duties and functions as educators are as supervisors, entertainers, reminders, calls, and lights for students. This study's results are expected to become a theoretical reference regarding teachers' pedagogical theory in carrying out their profession.