Human noroviruses cause more than 90% of epidemic nonbacterial gastroenteritis. However, the role of B cells and antibody in the immune response to noroviruses is unclear. Previous studies have demonstrated that human norovirus specific antibody levels increase upon infection, but they may not be protective against infection. In this report, we used murine norovirus ( Extensive studies have demonstrated that humoral immune responses are generated by challenge with various norovirus strains in humans, pigs, cattle, and mice (5,10,13,22,23,27,37,39,(44)(45)(46). Studies of natural norovirus infections in human populations show that the lowest rates of seroconversion are in the 0-to 5-year-old age group and, by adulthood, seroconversion rates range from 80 to 100% in most countries (reviewed in reference 32). Among children Ͻ5 years old, a higher base-