depending on the initial parameters of the mixture. A dispersed-frozen SW is reflected by an SW of the same type with slight changes in the velocity and pressure profiles. A frozen SW of the two-front configuration can be reflected as an SW of the dispersed-frozen type or a frozen SW of the two-wave configuration. It is shown that a boundary layer is formed near the wall, where the volume concentration and the density of the light component exceed the corresponding values behind the reflected SW.We discuss the results of numerical calculations of initial-boundary problems (1), (2) from [1] performed in the nonequilibrium approximation and studied within the framework of the equilibrium model. As in [1], all the quantities are presented in the dimensionless form.First of all, we present some results [2-4] concerning possible types of shock waves interacting with the solid walt, which will be needed in what follows. Figure 1 shows a chart of solutions for the incident and reflected shock waves in the plane of the initial volume concentration ml0 and SW velocity ]D I (we note that the equilibrium velocities Ce,0, Ce,fin, and Ce~ in this plane merge into one line C,). In particular, the typical feature of the regions Ill and I12 is the presence of unstable flow in the form of a rarefaction shock wave, where u0-D < ufin-D. In the regions I21 and I31, the incident SW has a fully dispersed structure with either monotonic velocity profiles of the components, or a nonmonotonic velocity profile for the light component with a local minimum and a monotonically decreasing profile for the heavy component. In the regions I22 and /32, the incident shock waves have monotonically decreasing velocity profiles in the heavy component. Concerning the light component, an SW of low amplitude has a monotonically decreasing velocity profile both in front of and behind the internal discontinuity, whereas for an SW with a higher amplitude, the velocity of the light component increases behind the discontinuity to the final equilibrium state. In the regions I41 and I51, the incident shock waves have a bow SW in the second component supplemented by the relaxation zone, where the velocity decreases monotonically to the final equilibrium state, and a continuously decreasing