RSA is known as one of the best techniques for securing secret information across an unsecured network. The private key which is one of private parameters is the aim for attackers. However, it is exceedingly impossible to derive this value without disclosing all unknown parameters. In fact, many methods to recover the private key were proposed, the performance of each algorithm is acceptable for the different cases. For example, Wiener's attack is extremely efficient when the private key is very small. On the other hand, Fermat's factoring can quickly break RSA when the difference between two large prime factors of the modulus is relatively small. In general, if all private parameters are not disclosed, attackers will be able to confirm that the private key is unquestionably inside the scope [3, n -2], where n is the modulus. However, this scope has already been reduced by increasing the greatest lower bound to [dil, n -2], where dil ≥ 3. The aim of this paper is to decrease the least upper bound to narrow the scope that the private key will remain within this boundary. After finishing the proposed method, the new scope of the private key can be allocated as [dil, dir], where dir ≤ n -2. In fact, if the private key is extremely close to the new greatest lower bound, it can be retrieved quickly by performing a brute force attack, in which dir is decreased until it is equal to the private key. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is extremely effective when the difference between prime factors is close to each other and one of two following requirement holds: the first condition is that the multiplier of Euler totient function is very close to the public key's small value whereas the second condition is that the public key should be large whenever the multiplier is far enough.