Bhuiyan, Outhwaite, and Henderson, J. Electroanal. Chem., 2007, 607, 54, have studied the electric double layer formed by a symmetric electrolyte in the restricted primitive model and suggested that an examination of the product of the coion and counterion profiles, normalized to the one when the distance of an ion from the electrode is large, is an interesting and useful test of a theory. This product is identically one in the PoissonBoltzmann theory but simulation results show that, at contact, this product can be greater or smaller than one at small electrode charge but always seems to tend to zero at large electrode charge. In this study we report the results of the hypernetted chain approximation (HNC/MSA version) for this product and find that, at contact, for this theory this product is always greater than the one at small electrode charge but tends to zero at large electrode charge.