The spatial resolution of magnetic resonance (MR) images is usually specified by using nominal spatial resolution, the width of the simulated point-spread function (PSF), or measurement from a resolution phantom. The accuracy of these measures is limited because they do not take into account the effects of in vivo image degradation. In this work, tag lines were used to estimate the spatial resolution of in vivo MR images. The idea of using tag lines to measure resolution was originally proposed In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the image spatial resolution is often specified by using a nominal spatial resolution or the width of the point-spread function (PSF). The nominal spatial resolution is the pixel size of the image matrix, which is equal to the field of view (FOV) divided by the image matrix dimension. It is a good estimate of the spatial resolution for conventional fully sampled images. However, it does not take into account the effects of partial k-space sampling and image quality degradation factors, including B 0 /B 1 -field inhomogeneity, T 2 blurring, and susceptibility. These effects are common sources of image degradation for rapid MRI sequences. One can also compute a simulated PSF based on the sampling trajectory and thus take partial k-space sampling into account. Since no image degradation is included, the simulated PSF width represents the best image quality achievable by the sampling trajectory. Therefore, when there are minimal effects from the degradation factors, the simulated PSF width is a good estimate of the spatial resolution. Alternatively, the spatial resolution can be measured experimentally by using a resolution phantom. The measurement is a better estimate of the spatial resolution because it includes the effects of image degradation factors. It also provides a quick visual estimate of the spatial resolution. This method, however, may not be able to measure spatially varying resolution. The accuracy of the measurement is limited by the size of small structures available in the resolution phantom, and by how well the phantom is aligned with the slice-select direction. More importantly, the image degradation effects on phantom images are different from those on in vivo images.