Abstract. Jarman (1974) proposed a series of relationships between habitat use, food dispersion, and social behavior and hypothesized a series of evolutionary steps leading to sexual dimorphism in body size through sexual selection in African antelope species. The hypothesis states that sexual size dimorphism evolved in a three-step process. Initially, ancestral monomorphic and monogamous ungulate species occupying closed habitats radiated into open grassland habitats. Polygynous mating systems then rapidly evolved in response to the aggregation of males and females, perhaps in relation to the clumped distribution of food resources in open habitats. Subsequently, size dimorphism evolved in those species occupying open habitats, but not in species that remained in closed habitats or retained monogamy. This hypothesis has played an important role in explaining the origins of sexual dimorphism in mammals. However, the temporal sequence of the events that Jarman proposed has never been demonstrated. Here we use a phylogeny of extant ungulate species, along with maximum-likelihood statistical techniques, to provide a test of Jarman's hypothesis. In most mammalian groups males are larger than females (Mace 1979;Reiss 1989;Abouheif and Fairbairn 1997;Weckerly 1998;Loison et al. 1999; Pérez-Barbería and Gordon 2000). Explanations for the degree of sexual dimorphism in body mass (SD) fall into three main groups (Fairbairn 1997). First, sexual selection hypotheses suggest that SD is a consequence of either intrasexual competition for mates, mainly males fighting amongst themselves for mating opportunities with females, or epigamic selection in which females choose among males to get mating partners (Trivers 1972). Second, large body mass may facilitate the evolution of SD by making polygyny more likely and thus increasing the intensity of sexual selection between the sexes (Lack 1968;Selander 1972;Clutton-Brock et al. 1977;Webster 1992;Abouheif and Fairbairn 1997;Loison et al. 1999). A third group of explanations suggests that SD arises from natural selection by favoring different optimal size for males and females because they occupy different ecological niches (Selander 1972;Shine 1989).Darwin (1871) was the first to link sexual dimorphism to polygyny. Sexual dimorphism among birds (Lack 1968;Wiley 1974), primates (Clutton-Brock et al. 1977;Ralls 1977;Clutton-Brock and Harvey 1978;Clutton-Brock 1985;Lindenfors andTullberg 1998) and ungulates (Geist 1974;Jarman 1974;Ralls 1977;Bubenik 1985;Loison et al. 1999) is associated with polygyny. However, less is known about the causes of the evolution of sexual size dimorphism within any given taxa (Jarman 1974;Clutton-Brock and Harvey 1977a;Clutton-Brock et al. 1977). Fairbairn (1997) pointed out that most attempts to explain the evolution of SD were based on correlations among variables, which make it difficult to separate cause from effect. Fairbairn went on to suggest that a more promising approach would be to use directional comparative analyses that estimate the order of a...