Five new species of Charonina Strand, 1928 were revealed, in addition to 41 species of 20 other apparent genera, in a survey of ciliated intestinal protozoan endocommensals of both black and white wild African rhinoceroses. Charonina species infected the ventral and dorsal region of the ascending colon, where the average total protozoan populations (x 103/ml digesta fluid) were 100 and 80, respectively, in the white and 270 and 260, respectively, in the black rhinoceroses. Charonina species constituted up to 50% in the ventral and 25% in the dorsal populations. Measurements in micrometres and specific characteristics of the five species are: C. odontophora n. sp. length 70---5.7, width 32---7.2, dorso-ventral thickness 7 ---1.