The sphere packing problem consists on arranging spheres, of different or same radii, on a 3D container without overlapping them. The ratio of the volume occupied by the spheres to the total volume of the container is called packing density. The goal of the sphere packing problem is to find the arrangement that maximizes the packing density. When the spheres are packed randomly, the arrangement is referred to as a random loose packing. If the container is shaken afterward, the arrangement is called random close packing.Several approaches exist to model random packing. Two of them are the collective rearrangement [2][3][4][5] and the sequential deposition [6][7][8][9][10][11][12] methods. In the collective rearrangement method, the spheres are randomly placed in a container and allowed to overlap. In a subsequent step, the spheres are moved and/or reduced in size until the overlap drops to an acceptable threshold. In the sequential deposition method, on the other hand, the spheres are dropped one by one in a container following the gravitational law until they find a stable position. This approach is also known as drop and roll algorithm.In this work, we have implemented a drop and roll algorithm as described by Zhou et al. [7] The algorithm consists in the following steps:• An incoming sphere, is randomly positioned at the top of the container. • The incoming sphere is dropped in small increments down the container. • The dropping stops once the incoming sphere touches the floor of the container or hits another sphere. • If the incoming sphere touches the floor of the container, its position is considered stable, and the algorithm starts positioning a new incoming sphere. • If the incoming sphere touches another sphere, it rolls on the stationary sphere until it hits the floor (and becomes stable), or hits a second sphere. • If the incoming sphere hits a second stationary sphere, it rolls again until it either becomes stable by hitting the floor or a third sphere. • When the incoming sphere hits a third sphere, the stability criteria is evaluated to determine if the incoming sphere becomes stable. If not, the incoming sphere will continue rolling but now on the pair of spheres, or on the sphere with the steepest contact angle.
Monte Carlo ModelThe residence time distribution of reactors used to produce polyolefins commercially has a significant impact on many of their properties. This effect often goes unnoticed, since the concept of reactor residence time is often poorly understood even among chemical engineers. In the first part of this series of articles, it is shown how the reactor residence time distribution has a marked impact on the particle size distribution of polyolefin particles using a new Monte Carlo model. In this article, the Monte Carlo model is combined with a drop and roll algorithm to predict how reactor residence time distribution affects the packing density of the polyolefin particles.