Females show a varying degree of ischemic sensitivity throughout their lifespan, which is not fully explained by hormonal or genetic factors. Epidemiological data suggest that sex-specific life experiences such as pregnancy increase stroke risk. This work evaluated the role of parity on stroke outcome. Age-matched virgin (i.e., nulliparous) and multiparous mice were subjected to 60 min of reversible middle cerebral artery occlusion and evaluated for infarct volume, behavioral recovery, and inflammation. Using an established mating paradigm, fetal microchimeric cells present in maternal mice were also tracked after parturition and stroke. Parity was associated with sedentary behavior, weight gain, and higher triglyceride and cholesterol levels. The multiparous brain exhibited features of immune suppression, with dampened baseline microglial activity. After acute stroke, multiparous mice had smaller infarcts, less glial activation, and less behavioral impairment in the critical recovery window of 72 h. Behavioral recovery was significantly better in multiparous females compared with nulliparous mice 1 mo after stroke. This recovery was accompanied by an increase in poststroke angiogenesis that was correlated with improved performance on sensorimotor and cognitive tests. Multiparous mice had higher levels of VEGF, both at baseline and after stroke. GFP + fetal cells were detected in the blood and migrated to areas of tissue injury where they adopted endothelial morphology 30 d after injury. Reproductive experience has profound and complex effects on neurovascular health and disease. Inclusion of female mice with reproductive experience in preclinical studies may better reflect the life-long patterning of ischemic stroke risk in women.sex differences | multiparity | microglia | ischemic stroke | microchimerism N early 800,000 people in the United States experience a new or recurrent stroke each year, and 55,000 more women than men are affected by stroke (1). Stroke is a sexually dimorphic disease impacted by genetics, hormones, and the environment (2). According to CDC data, 85% of women in the United States have given birth by age 40, whereas the number of lifetime pregnancies per woman varies by race and socioeconomic status. Therefore, child-bearing women represent a significant proportion of the female population, including those at risk for stroke. Moreover, this suggests that a large proportion of the elderly female populationwho is at highest risk for stroke-may be differentially at risk. Epidemiological data suggest that increasing parity is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke and late-life vascular comorbidities, including carotid atherosclerosis (3, 4). However, recent reports suggest that parity has a significant protective effect against CVD mortality (5). The effect of parity on outcome following ischemic stroke is yet unresolved.Pregnancy induces profound acute and long-term physiological changes in the body that influence future vascular health through hormonally med...