Civil engineering applications are often characterized by a large uncertainty on the material parameters. Discretization of the underlying equations is typically done by means of the Galerkin Finite Element method. The uncertain material parameter can be expressed as a random field represented by, for example, a Karhunen–Loève expansion. Computation of the stochastic responses, i.e., the expected value and variance of a chosen quantity of interest, remains very costly, even when state-of-the-art Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) is used. A significant cost reduction can be achieved by using a recently developed multilevel method: p-refined Multilevel Quasi-Monte Carlo (p-MLQMC). This method is based on the idea of variance reduction by employing a hierarchical discretization of the problem based on a p-refinement scheme. It is combined with a rank-1 Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) lattice rule, which yields faster convergence compared to the use of random Monte Carlo points. In this work, we developed algorithms for the p-MLQMC method for two dimensional problems. The p-MLQMC method is first benchmarked on an academic beam problem. Finally, we use our algorithm for the assessment of the stability of slopes, a problem that arises in geotechnical engineering, and typically suffers from large parameter uncertainty. For both considered problems, we observe a very significant reduction in the amount of computational work with respect to MLMC.