Modern semiconductor processes can provide significant intrinsic hardness against radiation effects in digital and analog circuits. Current design techniques using commercial processes for radiation-tolerant integrated circuits are summarized, with an emphasis on their application in high performance mixedsignal circuits and systems. Examples of "radiation hardened by design" (RHBD) methodologies are illustrated for reducing the vulnerability of circuits and components to total dose, single-event, and doserate effects.The evolution of semiconductor processes has resulted in a growing emphasis in "system on chip" applications where digital, analog, and even RF circuits are combined together on the same substrate. Circuit designers now have access to three categories of high-performance IC processes that are suitable for mixed-signal RHBD applications. Bulk CMOS, silicon-on-70 Int. J. Hi. Spe. Ele. Syst. 2004.14:353-366. Downloaded from by CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 02/04/15. For personal use only.