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ABSTRACTIn this research, a systematic reverse engineering, re-engineering, and fast manufacturing (RRF) process has been developed and validated. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software tools and equipment that support the RRF process have been identified, evaluated, and tested. An integration framework has also been developed and employed to create an RRF testbed. This testbed constructed using COTS software and equipment supports three major engineering tasks: the reverse engineering that supports recovering of technical data from worn sample parts, re-engineering that alters design for better performance or lower cost, and fast prototyping that incorporates advanced manufacturing technologies to produce functional or physical prototype of the part in small quantity in a short turnaround time. The primary objective of the project is to develop a systematic, accurate, and efficient re-engineering and prototyping technology for fatigue and fracture of mechanical parts and subsystems, especially due to impact loads, for both military and industrial applications. The goals are to demonstrate such a technology, to support Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC) to establish similar integrated system in the near future, and to assist OC-ALC to gradually build up expertise to adequately tackle the fatigue and fracture problems. Ultimately, the system developed in the proposed research will support OC-ALC engineers to re-engineer and manufacture quality parts and subsystems that enhance reliability of the aging fleets, therefore, overcoming the new challenge and successfully accomplishing OC-ALC's missions.In this research, a systematic reverse engineering, re-engineering, and fast manufacturing (RRF) process has been developed and validated. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software tools and equipment that support the RRF process have been identified, evaluated, and tested. An integration framework has also been developed and employed to create an RRF testbed. This testbed constructed using COTS software and equipment supports three major engineering tasks: the reverse engineering that supports recovering of technical data from worn sample parts, re-engineering that alters design for better performance or lower cost, and fast prototyping that incorporates advanced manufa...