We investigate the transient evolution of radiation in a low-gain free-electron-laser oscillator, driven by synchronized electron bunches much shorter than the slippage. We calculate analytically the radiation intensity and the gain in the linear regime. We show that, in the nonlinear regime and in the ideal case without losses, the radiation 6eld is described, as in the short-pulse, high-gain ampli6er, by the self-similar superradiant solution.PACS number(s): 41.60.Cr, 42.60.Jf Recently increasing interest has been given to &eeelectron-laser oscillators driven by electron bunches shorter than or equal to the slippage distance [1,2]. In particular, superrad. iant emission of short radiation pulses, whose peak intensity is proportional to the square of the electron beam density [3], has been observed numerically [4] for pulse length equal to the slippage distance. Superradiance has been supposed to play a role in several efFects occurring in the short-pulse operation, for example, the observation of limit cycles in a d.esynchronized cavity, with a periodic generation of radiation pulses [5]. At present, however, superradiant emission in oscillators has not yet been demonstrated analytically. Moreover, theoretical works dealing with shortpulse propagation, apart &om numerical simulations, have been focused only on the research of stationary solutions, called supermodes [6], and not on the transient regime.