Abstract. The paper investigates wintertime dynamics of the coastal northeastern Adriatic Sea, and is based on numerical modelling and in situ data collected through field campaigns executed during the winter and spring of 2015. The data have been collected by a variety of instruments and platforms (ADCPs, CTDs, glider, profiling float), and have been accompanied with a one-way coupled ALADIN/ROMS modelling effort. Research focus has been put on dense water formation (DWF), thermal changes and circulation, and water exchange between the coastal and open Adriatic. According to both observations and modelling results, dense waters are formed in the northeastern coastal Adriatic during cold bora outbreaks, even during milder-than-average winters (as was the winter of 2015). However, dense water formed in this coastal region has, due to lower salinities, lower densities than dense water formed at the open Adriatic. Since the sea is deeper in the coastal area than at the open Adriatic, dense waters from the open Adriatic occasionally enter the coastal area near the bottom of the connecting passages, while the surface flow is mostly outward from the coastal area. Median residence time of the coastal area is estimated to about 1–2 months, indicating that the coastal area may be relatively quickly renewed by the open Adriatic waters. The model significantly underestimates currents and transports in connecting channels, which may be a result of a too coarse resolution of atmospheric forcing, misrepresentation of bathymetry or absence of the air-sea feedback in the model. Obtained data represents a comprehensive marine dataset, pointing to a number of interesting phenomena to be investigated in the future.