“…Consequently, a plenty of research has focused on developing representations that can faciliate planning and reasoning for highly specific situated tasks. These representations vary significantly depending on the application, from two-dimensional costmaps (Elfes, 1987), volumetric 3D voxel representations (Hornung et al, 2013(Hornung et al, , 2010, primitive shape based object approximations (Miller et al, 2003;Huebner and Kragic, 2008) to more rich representations that model high level semantic properties (Galindo et al, 2005;Pronobis and Jensfelt, 2012), 6 DOF pose of the objects of interest (Hudson et al, 2012) or affordances between objects (Daniele et al, 2017). Since inferring exhaustively detailed world models is impractical, one solution is to design perception pipelines that infer task relevant world models (Eppner et al, 2016;Fallon et al, 2014).…”